Nalanda Vidyaniketan

Nalanda Vidyaniketan, Moka Road, Bellary


Nalanda Vidyaniketan has its place in the catalog of Education. Company has an average score of 4.1 by NiceLocal visitors and concludes its business by the following address: Moka Road, Bellary Gandhinagar, Bellary — 583103.

GPS coordinates are: longitude — 76°56′50.93′′E (76.947478), latitude — 15°9′30.02′′N (15.158335).

Nalanda Vidyaniketan is open for business by the following schedule: Mon-fri: 08:30 – 17:00; sat: 08:30 – 12:30. You can learn more by dialing a number: 918392213199 — or by visiting the website:

Visitors can write some feedback in «Reviews» section to express their impressions about their experience in Nalanda Vidyaniketan.


Moka Road, Bellary Gandhinagar, Bellary – 583103, Opposite KEB (Map)